I will take you home myself. I know what you call it.
Anyway, I want to give you a few more pieces of advice. A few questions had been asked.
In terms of travel, there was whether or not it can be a division of different people travelling from the committee.
In terms of travel, a member can be replaced partway through by another member or even multiple members in different cities. However, the expense is only incurred once by the committee. Any additional expenses to get a replacement to and from a city may not be covered by the travel budget of FEWO. Members are free to join the committee travel, i.e., a member may choose to participate in his or her riding, and the cost for travel would be borne by the member.
Would that mean that we could put it in our MOB? Is that correct? If I'm travelling out to meet somebody and start, that could be part of my MOB, could it not?
We will make sure we have that answer for you, because I know there are some discussions. I was thinking, for instance, that Sonia may pick us up in Brampton as we're right there.
We'll work this all out. I will make sure over the next couple of days that we have all of this information. I am looking at meeting with the vice-chairs so that we can discuss this further, because there's a lot of information that we need to go through.
The proposed dates for travel are from Monday, April 10 to Friday, April 14. Seven members are going to be authorized to travel. We do not know who is travelling. I know we need to discuss amongst our own, but that is just some information if you want to split it up.
There are going to be questionnaires sent out to those who are travelling asking, for example, where you are travelling from. That kind of information will need to be known. They'll probably want to know what we can and cannot eat and that kind of important stuff. Is that correct?
Okay. Are there any questions before we go further?
Go ahead, Sonia.