Thank you so much.
My next question is for Alexis Graham or Sarah Hayward in terms of IRCC.
A member from the CBSA was here during the last meeting, and one of the things he said was, “You should ask the IRCC.” You are here, so I will ask you.
We know that a lot of migrant workers, even sex workers, won't come forward because of fear of deportation. A 2015 article by the CBC indicated that IRCC should provide permanent residency for migrant sex workers caught up in sex trafficking investigations, because if they're not worried about their status, they're more likely to report violence.
Where is the IRCC in terms of heeding that call? It was an article written by the CBC on May 8, 2015. What steps has IRCC taken in terms of offering permanent residency to protect people who are being swept up in the human trafficking investigation?