That's an excellent question. It's a bit outside my expertise, since I deal with the criminal laws that apply to human trafficking in the human trafficking context.
On Monday, you had my colleague from Public Safety before you. She explained the public awareness measures Public Safety is developing. Justice does the same for certain types of legal issues.
That type of information can be very empowering for people at risk of becoming trafficked. We want to ensure they know their rights in Canada, that it is never okay to be exploited here and that when it occurs, they can come forward and access law enforcement. Part of what we do is train law enforcement. We don't do trauma-informed training—we have experts who do that—but, as I said, we do train on victim vulnerability, the importance of fostering relationships of trust with victims and repairing those relationships so they feel safe and comfortable coming forward to police, who can be seen as people who will help them.