Absolutely. Traffickers will recruit from wherever they can, whether it's online, on the streets, at a bar or a restaurant or wherever it is.
Of course, online is a major hub for luring, but more importantly, it's a major hub for exploitation. Many girls, particularly those who are underage, are groomed on social media to believe that the person talking to them is a friend who would like to have a relationship with them. On many occasions like that, she's forced to touch herself, take off her clothes or do things like that. This is the link to Pornhub or pornography, because often whatever she is doing is then transferred and uploaded onto Pornhub and other porn sites.
How do we stop it? Trafficking is a really complex issue. The core of it involves primarily women, and women do not have equal rights in this country. Women need rights, and we need to name the problem that is impacting women. In this case, it's trafficking. In other cases, it's male violence against women in domestic relationships—