The Peel human trafficking service providers committee comprises a variety of different folks who are service providers across the region. We follow strategies that stem from the federal government strategy on human trafficking, the province's, and then of course the region, which has its own. Because Peel is a very unique community, and we recognize that it's incredibly diverse, we felt that we needed a Peel approach to a care pathway for folks who were being trafficked.
To go back to the one piece around French inclusion and francophone women, Oasis Centre des Femmes is one of our members that sits at that particular planning table that helps develop that pathway.
We are really grateful that as a settlement agency—that was our primary role when we started 37 years ago— we're bringing that newcomer voice to it. Our WAGE-funded project is specific to develop a tool kit and test innovative practices for foreign-born individuals. However, we do our collective efforts around supporting individuals right here, because we know it happens right in our own backyard. We've been making those efforts for over a decade.
I recommend strongly.... I have my WAGE funder and MPPs and different levels of government at every single one of my meetings so that we can continue to have them spread the word and really work together, because the levels are defragmented, in all honesty.