The diverting of the funds that are seized as proceeds of crime directly to victims would be a great start. It will help victims to reintegrate themselves and get back to a normal lifestyle after they've been dependent upon their traffickers for so long.
With police officers it's a bit more difficult, because our work is dangerous in nature. However, there are things that can be done. I know, for example, that the Toronto police have a program with the Ministry of Transportation, which removes all of the police addresses from their system. It's strictly registered to the police service, so if somebody has a friend working in the Ministry of Transportation, they can't find out a home address through a licence plate or a driver's licence.
It's difficult to answer with regard to police or law enforcement, but with victims, it's something like having a safe house for them to transition back into society and employing the services of previous victims, survivors, to help them. It's no different from an alcoholic going to a program where they have people who have overcome their alcohol addiction mentoring them and speaking to them, because they can relate to what they're going through.