Thank you so much, Chair.
Building on what you just said, Ms. Wesley—and I think it feeds into what I was saying—no means no. That's not consent. If there are sexual actions happening without consent, that's assault. When it's happening to a minor, that's child sexual exploitation. Then we have sex work, which is different. It's consensual.
Do you think by conflating it...? I feel it actually places kids at risk. Certainly, in Manitoba, where we have the highest number of kids in care, there are kids who are having sex, but it's not consensual. It's normalized child sexual exploitation. That's one thing I want you to answer.
The second thing is that I've been pushing for a guaranteed livable basic income. If we want to talk about people making good and bad choices, we have to give people real choices. I don't think there is choice. However you end up in sex work for whatever reason, if we want people to choose otherwise, I don't know of many choices.
Do you think a guaranteed livable basic income would provide people with choices should they choose not to stay in the sex work industry?
I'll give that to Ms. Sinclaire, because you're from my home province here.