I'm sorry, Ms. Lam. I'm just trying to be succinct here.
What we were studying is that there is a significant difference between someone who chooses.... The Pornhub documentary—I don't know if you've watched it—Money Shot: The Pornhub Story did a really great job. I don't know if you agree or disagree with that. I thought it did a really good job of creating....
We're talking about two very different things. I don't think around this table anyone has any judgment on anyone who chooses to have a healthy choice in escorting, sex work or whatever you want to call it. We're trying to dissect here how to tell the public.... If you have an escort business opening up, that is sex work, as opposed to a child who is online, has been lured and has a pimp who's a guerrilla pimp or a romance pimp, who is manipulating her, using her and taking control of her life. We're trying to dissect the difference. We want to support choice for women who are in a position to do that.
I think what you're saying is a bit confusing for the committee. You're saying there's no such thing as human trafficking.