The equality model, the Nordic model, is a good starting point to address the inequality of women. From an indigenous perspective, it's all of the measures in the Indian Act that have ensured our marginalization.
Our male leadership was very much complicit during the national inquiry. I looked up sexual assaults, for instance, and came up with nine cases. Bridget Perrier, who's very well known, came forward in Winnipeg and said that the chiefs' assemblies were their busiest days, and there were exploited children who were in prostitution.
Our spiritual leaders.... That one is really hard to speak to, but I do know that our spiritual leaders are complicit.
In Prince George here, we had the judge who was charged, and then there's the whole number of police officers who have been trying to cover this up for such a very long time.
I'm very much in favour of the equity model that was followed in the Nordic countries and how it addressed the status of women and the second-class citizenship that we experience as indigenous women.