Thank you so much.
I'm seeing some encouraging shifts in a couple of ways.
One is that there are more female police officers, which begins to shift the culture, as well. Two is that in Alberta and in, I think, Peel region and a few other jurisdictions across the country, women who are survivors of trafficking or exploitation have been hired, or young women who are very committed and skilled workers are working with police. They are the frontline responders and their role is to listen and to help that woman to safety, however she defines it.
A woman may never report to police. It may take a year before she decides to report to police, but the role of those safety network coordinators and peer advocates is, first of all, to ensure that safety for that woman and that her basic needs are met, and that she is able to begin to move away from the trafficking situation.
I think we need more of those models across the country. That's what I'll say right now.