We are working with a lot of different agencies. Unfortunately, I don't do a lot of stuff with Kelly. We've had a couple of conversations, but we don't always seem to hook up at the right time.
I think we all have been targeting ONroute centres in terms of doing more in the human trafficking sphere, but in one conversation we had, we were told, “Oh, we can't put anything up in here about that; it will scare our customers away.”
That's an issue—making businesses aware that they do have responsibility to everyone. That includes every person who comes into their space. I think if we monitor the type of signage or posters that are put up or the videos that are up there so that we don't do anything that's going to be traumatic to anyone or set up a trauma trigger, we can do a lot more in those areas. It's kind of like #NotInMyCity now at the airports and the signage that is up. I think more public spaces that have the traffic flow coming in and out of them should be doing something.