We travel the main corridors of Canada. The truck stops, the rest areas, are where a lot of this occurs. It's right where we are.
I hate to say it, but drivers commonly refer to these ladies we see wandering around the parking lots as “lot lizards”. They're somebody out there looking to make some money for the night, and they're willing to do anything to do it.
By having this type of training, we can let drivers know that not everyone knocking on their doors is a sex worker—that we have some very young girls who are being trafficked.
I can tell you, in the first year of the human trafficking awareness training that we put online, there were drivers who reached out to us and said, “Oh, my God. I didn't know what I was seeing, but now I know.” We've had drivers who made some calls to 911. We've had drivers make calls down in the U.S.
Yes, I think driver training is important. That's why my organization and I have been very vocal on the need to make it mandatory training. We are very excited that we were able to get that in Ontario on the entry-level side with the truck training schools, so every newly licensed driver in the province of Ontario will have human trafficking awareness training.
I think that's really important.