Is there interpretation now? That's fantastic.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted on Tuesday, February 1, the committee will resume its study on human trafficking of women, girls and gender-diverse people.
I'd like to make a few comments. I remind everybody that this is a very difficult subject. For anyone, if you're triggered, let us know. For those who are on Zoom, make sure you press your choice of English, French or floor—whatever works for you—and make sure you mute yourself when you're not speaking.
I would like to welcome everybody. All the connection tests have been done. I know we need to get right to work, so I would like to welcome our witnesses for this panel.
In the room, from the Action Coalition on Human Trafficking Alberta Association, we have Kate Price, the executive director. From the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform, we have Angela Wu, who is the executive director from SWAN Vancouver. From the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund, Rosel Kim is the senior staff lawyer; and from the Yukon Status of Women Council, we have Jessica Stone, who is the project manager.
We're going to be providing you each five minutes to speak, and we're going to be starting with Kate Price.
When you see my hand, please start wrapping up.
Andréanne, go ahead on a point of order.