We've been a very active part of the missing and murdered indigenous women and girls process and the building of the national action plan. A very hefty response was given to try to address issues for the missing and murdered indigenous women and girls, but I want to tell you that at this time, there has not been enough action to implement the recommendations that were brought forward.
There are many amazing recommendations, from trying to help with healing the families who have been impacted by the legacy of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls to recommendations around the prevention so that we can stop seeing this as a norm.
A lot of work needs to be done within the justice system to try and help our people, both as victims and as people who are a part of that criminal justice system, so they're not put in places of being vulnerable.
All of that work needs to happen now. Our sadness is that there is very little action actually happening at this time. There was a lot of energy put around this, but there has not been any follow-through.