Thank you, Madam Chair.
Once again, I want to thank the witnesses who have travelled here today and the other witnesses who are also online.
With regard to next steps, I also want to think about parallel issues that could feed into our current study.
For example, Ms. Emond, we know that people want to abolish plastic. That could come with some financial support for businesses that, like yours, work on menstrual products that are reusable or plastic-free.
In your case, Ms. Bolster-Foucault and Ms. Newman-Petryshen, I know you work extensively with volunteers. You say your organization currently doesn't consist solely of volunteers. Could various types of assistance and aid increase recognition of the unseen work done by volunteers? That might be helpful. The United Way, it's community organizations and the food banks that offer its products could provide their assistance.
We could also simply look into the "pink tax" issue, as a result of which every product for women costs more because it's pink. That has its consequences. We're straying beyond the scope of our study on menstrual products, but that's another reality that has an impact on women's insecurity.
Would each of you please give a brief response? We have less than a minute remaining.