Anita, your point is well taken and I think a good concern to have. I think there's a way to do both. I would ask this of the analysts or somebody from legal: Is there not a legal or criminal definition of human trafficking?
I think there's an opportunity here for us in this committee to come out again as leaders—as we've done repeatedly over and over again, to be honest with you—plus have a report. I think the intersection is the issue around sex work, making sure we don't conflate those two. Those two things are very, very separate.
In terms of the motion and the study, I think if we were to be extremely succinct in that distinction, that we're not conflating these two issues, we could still do both. We could put out a report that acknowledges a lot of the concerns that were raised and a lot of the issues that were raised and that acknowledges that sex work is completely separate. That's also maybe a whole other study that we need to do, but this study was particular to human trafficking.
To Andréanne's motion, I just think we would look like leaders. I think it's a really great opportunity. I had the chance to chat with a couple of people who have done the work when we were doing our tour in Sault Ste. Marie, so not in my city, and to talk to the people behind that and the work they have done. I just think that if it were going to happen anywhere, it would happen in FEWO.
That's what I think.