I apologize for not adjourning, but I do have to address the red dress alert.
It is not easy. It is in the budget, but as we see from other budgets, it's not always spent. We need to decide as a community how this will roll out at different levels of jurisdiction. This cannot stay on the budget. This is a crisis. The Prime Minister acknowledged it as an ongoing genocide.
This is a real solution that can save lives. It can happen shortly, but we need a study. I do not oppose your study. We've had lots of studies on violence, but this is an opportunity for us to address that, to deal with this hands-on and then move on.
In my riding of Winnipeg Centre, this is costing lives. We lose kids every single day—young kids, especially those in child welfare. I really support what you're doing, but I also support active solutions. I know you're talking about constituents, but it's also about people knowing that this committee not only does studies but comes up with actions that are implemented to save lives. It would also help with what you're talking about on transit, where a lot of young girls are sex-trafficked. There have been reports of it. They could call a red dress alert.
We have support on this committee and from the government to implement it. We have support across party lines. We just need to implement it, like we do in our committee.
I'm sorry, Marc. I didn't adjourn, but if you want, I can call for adjournment. I just had to respond to that.