To be honest, the reduction of the numbers is one thing that Emmanuella also brought up. I think that there are things.... I don't know if everybody is ready to accept this as is, because I think there are a few more things. I'm hearing everybody talk about what they want this to look like. I've heard coercive control. I understand all of these different things, but I....
At the end of the day, we can adjourn the debate and bring it back up, or we can vote on this but make sure it's amended to be in line with what we want, which, for a lot of us, because I think we really think through these things, that might not be the case. I understand the order of precedence. I know that there is a lot. That is the one thing we've always worked on collaboratively: What's next? In that case, this would be a “what's next?” decided by the majority of the committee. It is up to the committee as to how we want to proceed. I'm leaving it out there. We need to have that discussion. We know where this is going. Who wants to end it?
Andréanne, you have your amendment, which is asking for a few less....
I'm looking at some people to ensure we're recognizing that, if we do the debate on the amendment right now, that's what we're getting into. The only thing is whether this is exactly what we want.
Ms. Larouche, are you moving that the committee hold six meetings?