Let's talk about mental health. I'm an expert, as a caseworker. When I go to the courthouse, the judge listens to me and takes note of what I've said. On the other hand when the abused woman speaks, the judge doesn't listen and doesn't hear. It's one-on-one. We caseworkers are the ones who go to court to explain the work we've done with the victim. The judge listens and starts to take us seriously.
We watch the judge all the time when the victim is speaking. Honestly. I spoke about it to Senator Boisvenu before coming here. When I was in court in Lac-Saint-Jean, I said in colloquial French to the judge, "il l'a neyée dans le bain" and all she had to say about it was that you shouldn't say "neyée", and that the right word is "noyée".
When we tell you that the system doesn't listen to us and that we need you, it's because we really need your help if we are to be taken seriously.