Women don't report their abusers. I can tell you that because I'm with them on the ground, working with them in their homes. I'm not at a shelter. Everyone knows that abusers are arrested and then released. You can see it on television and hear it on radio. So women are afraid to report their abuser and don't want to do so because once he is released, he will automatically return home. I see that in my files. One such example is a man who tried to drown his wife in the bathtub, I mean really tried to drown her. He was arrested, released immediately and went straight back home to his victim.
That's why women don't want to report their abusers. But if they knew they would be listened to, and if they began to see electronic bracelets being used and decisions favourable to women, they might conclude that if they were to make a complaint, their abuser would have to wear a bracelet and would not return to attack them afterwards.
If we feel protected, we'll report our abuser. I say "we" because we represent these women. Right now, we can't report abusers. Even today, I wouldn't feel anymore inclined to report my abuser because I would be afraid. I've seen firsthand the police arrest men like this only to release them two minutes later. But if the abusers are wearing an electronic bracelet, we'll have protection.