Thank you, Madam Chair.
Ms. Latimer, thank you for travelling today to appear before our committee.
We have the transcripts of the testimony that was heard on Monday, and I am going to read you a short excerpt from Diane Tremblay's testimony:
An electronic bracelet establishes a safety perimeter between victims and their abusers and can prove any failure to comply with conditions. ... Even though I frequently reported my abuser, he always got off scot-free, unlike me. So I'm begging you to seriously consider requiring the wearing of an electronic bracelet. I believe it's a no‑brainer. We deserve to be heard, and for our rights and essential needs to be respected.
I am a bit surprised that you have told us today not to adopt Bill S-205, at least not right now. I think you were in the room earlier. I am really very surprised, and even speechless, given the...