Thank you.
I do not disrespect the work you do. It just feels very....
It is shameful what they've said, so I would like to read into the record what the victims have said.
This is from Martine Jeansen: “I'm telling you that the group of 100 women and everyone we work with, they're just waiting for you to accept the bill. They're just waiting for that. This group is still there. We're talking and they're there: 'Martine, are we going forward? Martine, where are we now?' ”
This is from Martine as well: “We go to the women who don't want to report abusers. However, if they know they're going to be listened to, if we start to see that electronic bracelets are being put on and if we start to see there are judgments in favour of women, they will tell themselves that if they speak, we will put a bracelet on the aggressor so he will not come back to attack her afterwards.' ”
I think what I hear that I'm saying is shameful.... It's not personal: It's that you're saying criminals are allowed to walk free. What about the women and children who are sitting at home, terrified, right now? Their attacker is at large. Because of the Liberal Bill C-5, you can serve a sentence for a violent crime, a gun crime, under house arrest. These children, these women, are living in fear, and there is a very small window for when you can do this. That's what this bill does. That is what I'm saying about how it feels shameful what you've said to these victims today. I know the work you do. Elizabeth Fry does amazing work in my community, but what you've said today feels insulting.
The prevention end of it is critical, 100%, and that's not what this legislation is. Do we need to teach men how to be kind? Do we need to teach the difference between violence and anger? Yes. Do we need to teach all of those things? We do, 100%, but if you don't see the value, in that this bill will protect women and children today, then we have a very strong disagreement.
Thank you, Madam Chair. There are no real questions except this: Are they going to support this legislation, yes or no? That would be my final question for everyone.