Thank you.
It is exactly what you're saying. There are many technological faults that can occur when using these devices.
In rural areas, for example, there might not be a constant signal between a device and the receiving unit. I've read about cases where there's a battery that is losing power and causes false alarms or doesn't work properly. One of the problems that arises, too, when these false alarms happen is that there's often less attention paid to them if there are false alarms going off. Even in urban areas, there can be challenges with GPS technology. There's something called “GPS drift” that occurs when the signals bounce off buildings and cause inaccuracies.
All of these different technological issues come into play and can lead to a situation of women feeling that because they have this electronic bracelet, there is the security that police will be alerted right away, but that's not really the case. It can often lead to this false sense of security, as I was talking about.