This is a really fascinating question that I have been asked before.
I think working for 3M has actually put me in a very unique position in terms of the kind of support and focus that this company has put on women. I use it as an example of how other companies can think about it.
3M has had a very specific policy about making sure that leadership in the company is at least 50% women. They have had an incredible amount of support through time and over the years, whether it was finding me new opportunities to stretch or putting me into roles that I didn't expect to have or giving opportunities to get in front of leadership or to learn or go to training or to network with others. These are things that perhaps other companies may or may not choose to do. I see all of those as opportunities that were given to me that could have been potential challenges.
I would also say that if there was ever a challenge that 3M was lovely in helping me overcome, it was in raising two children. We're a two-income family. My husband and I both have our careers. They were always very flexible in terms of how we worked and where we worked, and this was even further developed as we moved into the pandemic. I think those could be challenges for women, but for me they turned into opportunities and supports because of the kind of company and direction on inclusion that 3M has had in my 24 years of being here.