Thank you for the question.
I agree that women entrepreneurs have many different challenges, whether those are juggling the household responsibilities they have or taking care of their families. You mentioned that many different entrepreneurs, particularly women entrepreneurs, are challenged when it comes to opening a business, scaling up their business and starting it.
Our women entrepreneurship strategy has three pillars, which I mentioned.
The first is providing capital for them so they can get the financing and funds they need to grow.
The second is that we're investing in the ecosystem. What really helped me as an entrepreneur was having like-minded women help me whenever I needed some advice and counsel. That's what the ecosystem provides for women entrepreneurs: guidance, counsel, mentorship and networking opportunities. Having someone they can count on, if they do not have that in their circle, is what the ecosystem provides.
The third pillar, which is the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, is a way for us to gather data and information so that we can continue to improve on what we're offering to women entrepreneurs and to improve on the service.