Thank you very much. Also, thanks very much for what you are doing with respect to the guaranteed basic income.
I would say it's been important to support the Canada disability benefit and to understand that one of the things we've felt, as a community, is a bit of a trade-off between accepting the idea that the Canada disability benefit was something we could do, have seen done and, indeed, will come forward, and.... I think the larger idea of a guaranteed basic income is something we should be working towards, because the Canada disability benefit only benefits a group of people with disabilities in a specific age group: working-age Canadians with disabilities.
That said, whether we're talking about a guaranteed basic income or the Canada disability benefit, indeed we've made the connection to the fact that it's extremely important. We've also made the connection that there is a higher risk of gender-based violence. Of course, I could relay chilling stories of situations women with disabilities have been in on the basis of financial coercion and gender-based violence.