That's a really important question.
Just to clarify, the knowledge hub is focused on linking ecosystem players. For example, our focus is on connecting the women's enterprise organizations of Canada, financial institutions and so on. We don't actually provide the direct services to the entrepreneurs. That's what the local women's entrepreneurship organizations are doing.
I just wanted to clarify that we do have some assets that we developed during COVID, because these were such desperate times, such as the “See it. Be it.” campaign and the Ask/Give platform. However, generally we work with the organizations that are serving the women—Coralus and so on.
I would say the biggest problem we observe is fragmentation of the information. While there is a fantastic Innovation Canada website where you can go and type in some information and it will tell you where things are, we need intermediaries that are in the local community that can connect women's organizations to the assets that they need. Having worked with a lot of those organizations, what I would observe is that the exception might be Atlantic Canada, where people seem to play nicely in the sandbox and they are all connected together. If you go to Volta and you don't belong at Volta, they'll send you to the women's entrepreneurship centre at Mount Saint Vincent University. There's a lot more collaboration among the ecosystem partners that I observe in Atlantic Canada than, say, in Ontario. I think B.C., Alberta, and Manitoba have their own particular ecosystems.
Knitting those things together so that if anyone comes in one door.... If you go to BDC and they say you don't earn enough money so they are not interested in you, they would say, this is the community you're in and here are the resources. If you go to the Mount and you go in the door and they say, no, you're not for us, they would tell you where to go. We need a better mechanism, in my view, for knitting the assets together, because I agree with you that there is a ton of stuff out there to support entrepreneurs generally, women entrepreneurs, Black entrepreneurs and so on, but lots of people don't know yet about the sources of those services.
Does that answer your question?