Pauktuutit has been involved in the last couple of years with shelters and transitional housing with CMHC and Indigenous Services Canada. We've made every effort to make sure that we provide supports to Inuit women in Inuit Nunangat.
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami also has, through its Inuit-Crown partnership committee, the establishment of a homelessness caucus or membership there. It ensures that they support, through the four land claim regions, efforts to address homelessness.
Going back to the question of Ms. Gazan, I'm very happy to respond in a written format. I know time is very sensitive today.
Again, housing is the foundational issue for Inuit, and if we're going to combat this, it means partnership at all levels of government. We've seen examples of P3 initiatives that ensure we are building successful infrastructure, yet we're still way behind in Canada when it comes to housing and homelessness.