I will stop you there, otherwise I will run out of time. You have opened the door for me and I will take advantage of this opportunity to talk about civil aviation.
With regard to civil aviation inspections you are restricting your inspectors' training budget, meaning your own employees. As least this is true for inspectors in Quebec. You are telling me today that you are not going to withdraw. I would recommend that you go and talk to your inspectors. According to them, they are not getting enough training, and it's because you have cut the budget. They also say that you are telling them that a management system is being implemented and that companies will take more initiatives.
It appears that you are cutting civil aviation budgets. In fact, in all sectors, you are limiting your own capacity to conduct follow-ups. I am far from convinced that this is in the public interest.
Rail accidents, shipping accidents and the air transportation situation lead me to believe what the people working on the ground are saying, meaning that you are cutting your inspectors' training budgets.
You think that the industry is able to implement voluntary compliance. For my part, I believe that we must maintain oversight and that the government must play a role in inspection. If you think leaving the industry to its own devices is a success, I can tell you that, to date, this is not true. At the very least, you have not managed to prove to me that things have improved.