We have no disagreement with that figure, but it is, in our view, fun with numbers. The slides we put up there show the safety impact when the planes are full. I think that is what the department is trying to avoid.
I think someone indicated that almost half those aircraft would suffer a reduction, when we believe a flight attendant is more needed when that aircraft is full.
For example, if you use an 80% load factor, it's only a 60% load factor on Air Canada's South American routes. If you average that in, that means that somewhere else in the system it's 100%.
We tried to do some little estimates. We believe six million to seven million passengers would be exposed to this reduced ratio, based on calculations provided by a Sypher:Mueller study commissioned by ATAC. That, we think, is a great exposure of risk. So the 80% factor hides the reality of what happens at full loads, and that's where I think you should focus your attention.