The environmental issues that evolve as a result of accidents are dealt with as part of the legislation that deals with railway safety, the Railway Safety Act. They also may be implicated by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act. The cleanups and things like that are addressed through other pieces of legislation that deal specifically with the environment.
In terms of this act and the policy statement here, up until the amendments proposed in bills C-26, C-44 and now C-11, this act had no mention at all of environment, and yet there are provisions in this bill that will benefit the environment. Railway noise is probably one of the best examples. The abandonment of the railway corridors is also an environmental issue, and it helps ensure that those corridors that are abandoned or that are sold off are cleaned up when the abandonment happens. So those are two very concrete examples of where the environmental aspect will come into account.
The policy statement assists the agency and its members when they are handling complaints or adjudicating or issuing orders. It guides their decision-making, and like the other aspects of the policy statement in terms of accessibility and principles such as that, it's to guide the agency in the decision. There are no specific environmental clauses in there, other than the two I mentioned, that have environmental implications. In this particular act, they are dealt with through the other pieces of legislation.