The third component will deal with shipper protection provisions. Consultations are under way with shippers and the railways on potential changes to those provisions. The intent is to table a bill later this fall.
Allow me to highlight some of the amendments contained in Bill C-11.
Section 5 of the act contains the national transportation policy declaration, which provides a general context for the legislation. You will recall that, in its report, the Canada Transportation Act review panel recommended that the policy statement be updated. Although the underlying principles are well accepted, the panel agreed with many stakeholders who said the statement is too long and too confusing. Furthermore, the statement needs to be updated to add principles related to the environment and security.
The act sets out the powers and responsibilities of the Canadian Transportation Agency. Amendments contained in Bill C-11 will affect the agency's role and structure. There will be a reduction in the number of full-time members, from seven to five, and members will be required to reside in the national capital region. This is expected to reduce its administrative costs without affecting the efficiency and the effectiveness of the agency.
Rather than relying solely on regulatory remedies, the CTA review panel supported the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that emphasized negotiated solutions to disputes between carriers and their customers. Such approaches are often quicker, less costly, less confrontational, and more effective than regulatory measures.
In June 2000, the agency launched a pilot project based on mediation. This has proven quite successful. Bill C-11 will give the agency formal authority to engage in mediation on demand with respect to matters under its jurisdiction.
Bill C-11 also introduces a new merger review process that extends to all transportation carriers and service providers under federal jurisdiction, notably in the areas of air, rail, marine, buses, trucks, airports, and marine ports. This process would build on the strengths of the existing merger review process currently in place for the airlines.
Bill C-11 contains a number of important provisions related to air travel. In this regard, I want to emphasize that this government is committed to promoting competition in the air transportation sector and offering increased consumer choice to the travelling public. It is my intention to set out a more comprehensive air policy later on.
The bill contains several measures to enhance consumer protection. Among these is the obligation for carriers to display their terms and conditions of carriage more prominently at their business offices and on their Internet sites. Consumers are entitled to know the terms and conditions of the air service before they book a flight, to help them make informed travel choices. Amendments also help to ensure that consumers obtain fair airfare advertising that is clear, transparent, and not misleading.
Mr. Chairman, allow me to expand briefly on this last element: air fare advertising.
Good information helps Canadians make informed choices. Consumers want to be able to compare different airlines, advertised prices and to know, upfront, how much they will pay for air services when setting out to purchase airline tickets. Carriers are realizing this, and it is reflected in their changing practices today. Consumers are also becoming smarter as evidenced in the increasing use of the Internet for ticket sales.
However, concerns have been raised by some consumers that price advertisements, whether in newspapers or on Internet sites, still do not contain complete or clear pricing information. For that reason, the amendment proposed in the bill would give the minister, where required, the power to authorize the making of regulations respecting transparency in the advertising of prices of air services, regardless of the medium used.
The amendments provide guidance regarding what types of costs should be included in the base price of an airfare and what costs may be advertised separately. The regulations, should they become necessary, would be enforced by the agency and would ensure that the standards would be consistently applied across the industry.
The Office of the Air Travel Complaints Commissioner was created, you'll recall, in 2000 as part of a specific amendment to the act. It has served a useful function during the transition period of the last few years; however, the complaints function has become integrated into the regular work of the agency. With changes in the marketplace since 2000 and more competition, especially from low-cost carriers, the number of complaints against Air Canada and other carriers has stabilized to what we would call a normal level, approximately consistent with their market share. In addition, complaints now increasingly relate to matters that fall within the core functions of the agency.
Since the fall of 2004 the function of the commissioner has been entrenched in the agency through the implementation of the air travel complaints program. The agency has been able to continue to adequately respond to consumers' complaints in an informal manner and consistent with its ongoing mandate. The proposed amendments would therefore make permanent and transparent the complaints resolution function of the agency by integrating this function into the regular operations of the agency.
Bill C-11 also addresses the need of publicly funded passenger rail services. It will implement a more effective mechanism to resolve disputes during contract negotiations between passenger service providers and the freight railways.
VIA Rail, commuter rail authorities and other publicly funded passenger rail operators prefer to conclude commercial agreements with infrastructure owners. If negotiations prove unsuccessful, publicly funded passenger rail service providers will be allowed to seek adjudication from the agency on the terms and conditions of operations on federal rail lines, including access fees and charges for services provided by the railways. Adjudication will be precluded for existing commercial contracts except for resolving train priority issues under the existing VIA Rail agreements.
In addition, the line transfer and abandonment provisions will be extended to include urban corridors, passenger stations, and urban transit authorities.
I want to emphasize that the proposed improvements to the rail passenger provisions are strongly endorsed by the commuter rail operators in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. They would like to see these changes implemented as soon as possible.
Bill C-11 also addresses the issue of railway noise. The agency used to consider complaints about noise from railway operations. However, in December 2000 the Federal Court of Appeal ruled that the agency lacked jurisdiction to hear noise complaints. Therefore, no federal regulatory body is presently mandated to regulate railway noise. Bill C-11 will amend the act to require that railways not cause unreasonable noise when constructing or operating a railway, taking into consideration the requirements of railway operations and the interests of affected communities. As well, the agency would be granted authority to resolve noise complaints if a voluntary settlement cannot be reached between the parties. The noise provisions have strong support from interested parties, including a number of members of Parliament.
Bill C-11 contains a provision that will enable the Minister of Transport to make a one-time-only request to the agency to adjust the revenue caps for grain movements to reflect current maintenance costs of hopper cars. This will provide for an adjustment that is not dependent upon a disposal. This amendment is widely supported by western Canadian grain producers.
Many of you may be curious about how Bill C-11 amends the Railway Safety Act. Let me explain in a couple of seconds. Under Bill C-11 the CTA is being amended to repeal the provisions that grant police powers to railway companies and to incorporate comparable provisions in the Railway Safety Act. In addition, amendments to the Railway Safety Act will require that the railways establish an independent review mechanism for responding to public complaints against railway police. The review mechanism will be filed with the minister for approval.
Before I close, Mr. Chairman, I would like to flag one other provision. Bill C-11 introduces a new provision that authorizes the transport minister to enter into an agreement with a provincial authority under which the provincial authority would regulate a railway in the same manner as the minister. This is aimed at facilitating the introduction of expanded O-Train service in Ottawa, which falls under federal jurisdiction and is therefore subject to federal safety regulations.
The city plans to convert the existing rail corridor into a dedicated two-track electrified streetcar-type light-rail train (LRT). However, since LRT typically operates with different control systems and different braking characteristics, LRT equipment and operations do not need the majority of the rules, regulations and standards currently set out pursuant to the Railway Safety Act.
A tentative agreement has been reached with the city and the province under which the city would assume all applicable responsibilities for the Ottawa LRT system.
Mr. Chairman, we believe these amendments will greatly improve the CTA and benefit air travellers and communities across the country, urban transit providers, grain producers, and the environment.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee.