Secondly, is it possible to get the position of the ATAC equivalent in the United States and Europe, and any kind of comparative data from the European Union on compensation funds?
Then linked to compensation funds--it goes back to the debate that my colleagues Monsieur Lussier and Monsieur Carrier had--it's extremely confusing for an average citizen if they lose a ticket. They don't know whether they're going to be compensated as first payer from their credit card. They don't know if they're going to be compensated as first payer from a compensation fund, if it exists, or under an insurance policy, a high-paid premium they've signed up for at the airport before getting on the airline. They have no idea. They have no idea where to begin, for the average consumer who's buying that once-a-year trip to Cuba or to visit the grandchildren in Calgary.
Is it possible to get some information on how that, in practice, has been happening? First payee, who is treated as first payer?