Thank you.
I'm representing the residents of East Richmond, and I'd like to thank the chair and committee members for the opportunity to speak today.
CN Rail's Lulu Island yard facility is located in northeast Richmond, B.C., in the midst of a primarily residential and farming area. The main switch for the yard is situated in close proximity to No. 8 Road, a residential side street where I live, and is positioned about 140 feet from the road. The yard itself is approximately one mile in length.
I would estimate my home as being less than 200 feet from the main switch and 105 feet from the tracks. The track leading into the yard from the east cuts the street in half, with the south side of the street coming to a dead end a few hundred feet from the tracks. Residents on the south side of the tracks have no other access route.
When I moved there over 20 years ago, the operations of the yard were not what I considered to be a problem. The trains were short, with single engines and cabooses. Activity in the yard was generally five days a week and not for excessive periods, with locomotives leaving for servicing on Saturday mornings and returning mid-Sunday evenings to be ready for the Monday morning shift. Locomotives would cross the yard and pull forward at times next to where I live, but much of the work was contained inside the yard.
For years, I did not use an alarm clock. I went to bed when I heard the chain on the main gate leading to the yard being locked at about 11 p.m., when the crew finished for the night. Crews would arrive and commence work at about 7:30 or 8 a.m., at which point I'd start my day. In the absence of late-night operations, my neighbours to the north side of my property were able to run a successful bed-and-breakfast business close to the yard for quite a number of years.
From 1992 onwards, operations in the yard dramatically changed. Increasingly, work began to be scheduled after midnight and in close proximity to homes. CN was notified as to the impact the noise had on residents, to no avail.
Now in 2006, disruptive noise from this yard occurs regularly after midnight, as well as throughout the day. It has been observed that the freight designated for assembly has often been sitting in the rail yard for several hours beforehand, with shunting not commencing until after midnight or later. Sometimes the work scheduled for after midnight is the most extensive within a 24-hour time period. In addition to the expanded schedule, CN has increased the number of locomotives kept in this yard and generally uses two or more locomotives for freight assembly.
As the trains are now longer and the infrastructure of the yard remains virtually as it has for decades, locomotives now have to constantly cross the road in order to not only access the yard but to assemble the trains. There are days when I would estimate that work takes place outside the yard in this manner for up to six hours a day, literally working in between homes.
With every crossing of the road come the piercing whistles and bells, sometimes to make a crossing of literally only a few feet. CN has been asked to use the west end of the yard in order to alleviate some of the noise, but east end assembly remains very routine.
Further concern involves the amount of time a public road is blocked during assembly, with my neighbours frequently waiting well beyond the appointed five-minute limit. Part of the concern is access in case of an emergency. With waits of 20 to 25 minutes and beyond being reported, this is a serious issue.
We attempted a bid for anti-whistling, but this was unsuccessful, with CN unwilling to accept the recommendations made by the city, the health department, and Transport Canada. This left us with the impossible situation wherein one of the busiest and noisiest crossings in a major Vancouver suburb, in terms of whistling and related noise, is in an otherwise quiet residential area.
The whistling, compounded with the drone of idling locomotives, bell ringing, and noise from shunting, has made it very difficult for this community. No distinction is made concerning the noise created, whether it be in the middle of the day or at 3 a.m. Whether it be shunting, bell ringing, or whistling, excessive noise is relentless here.
Residents have also commented that some shifts manage to perform assembly far more quietly than others. The noise from some of the night shifts have prompted some River Road residents to reorganize the location of their sleeping quarters to try to escape some of the cataclysmic sound emanating from the yard in the dead of night, to little apparent effect.
The Canadian Transportation Agency intervened in 2000. With the jurisdiction removed, conditions deteriorated further. Mediation, being on a voluntary basis, was declined by CN. Intervention and direct pleas from elected officials have been futile.
With no regulatory overseeing body, communities experiencing serious rail noise problems have no means of resolution. Rail industry self-regulation for noise issues does not appear to work.
I ask that the role of the Canadian Transportation Agency to both mediate and to make rulings on issues involving rail companies be strongly considered and reinstated.
The Canadian Transportation Agency is in an ideal position to fill this role, having a solid understanding of the real industry and its importance, while balancing those requirements against the basic needs of rail communities.
Thank you.