From talking to my neighbours and from the number of petitions we've done, I think the preference out here in East Richmond would be to restrict nighttime activities, this being a residential area. Part of that comment is based on the fact that it has been the observation of people here that a lot of the freight that gets shunted in the middle of the night has actually been sitting there for hours beforehand.
We've gotten a circuitous argument when we've put this forward in the past, and it has gone something like this. When we've asked CN about it, they've told us it's based on client demand. Then when we've approached CN about how noisy it is, they've told us the reason it's so noisy is that the work is being performed by spares. When we've pointed out that the work was sitting there all night, they've said they have to do it then because that's when they have power available. So the situation just goes around and around.
I would like to just say that some of my neighbours along River Road have been so impacted by this that they've actually had to reorganize their households. A common complaint that I've heard from residents here who have talked to me is that they can't open their windows at night, primarily because of the noise.
The other thing that has been very distressing is the amount of time some of my neighbours have waited to try to make a legal road crossing. We have had two incidents in particular that are very disturbing. One happened a number of years ago but was never addressed, and that was when fire trucks were obstructed from crossing this road. The train was actually stalled and blocking the road, and a family on our street just about lost their home over it. The crew wound up manually pushing empty rack cars off the road to clear it. And this was something that I found very upsetting from talking to my neighbours: calls that were made to CN about this incident were never returned, were never addressed. So that was something that was very disturbing for the people here.
I would also like to make a comment about what happened when I spoke to one of my neighbours last week. They live a fair distance from the road and more to the north end of No. 8 Road. They've been residents there for over thirty years, and they have found the impact of the shunting to be...well, Mrs. Lagaditis called it frightening. She told me it scares her sometimes, and then she told me she has to go around her house and straighten up pictures on the wall after some of the episodes of shunting out here. This is a family that has lived here since the 1970s, so I think there's a significant problem here.