I think that what you have said, and what each of the groups have said in the briefs they presented to us, illustrates to what degree CN — I know them well because it is located in my riding — is, in several respects, a very bad corporate citizen. We should no longer rely solely on the good faith of a business; we must regulate and act.
We have seen two trends. Some have s asked us to create regulations through legislation, others have suggested that the Canadian Transportation Agency be given the power to regulate. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach.
Obviously, if the rules are clearly set out in the legislation, we know where we stand, but if the legislation is flawed, we will have to wait for a government to address this issue once again. We can give the CTA the mandate to do the job, but the results are not guaranteed. I would like to hear each of you on that point.
Mr. Dalpé, what do you think?