I have numerous examples. One is that stationary engines, before being hooked up to rail cars, have been parked close to residential dwellings, with their engines running. Then, when they are hooked up to rail cars, they fire up the air lines, which is a noisy process. People in the neighbourhood feel this is being done to spite them. Of course, this is unsubstantiated, and it may not be the case.
There are almost nightly complaints from shunting and banging. The operation in the rail yard is done at a speed higher than what you might think would be reasonable. There is a lot of back-and-forth, a continual banging of cars and engines.
In close proximity is a rail bridge to Annacis Island, an industrial area south of the city in a neighbouring municipality. The approach to the bridge has a very tight radius, and as trains go through there's a great squealing of brakes. We've had some success in getting them to lubricate the tracks, but it requires a lot of maintenance and it's not always done. So there has been some response, but it's certainly not up to what the community believes is required, particularly in residential communities.