Thank you.
Early on, when we talked in this committee about some of our priorities, one of those was safety--air, water, and rail safety. Going back, we did have CN here, talking about the particular increases they had had in derailments and accidents, particularly in 2005. They indicated that they had taken steps to reduce those in 2006--year to date, so far. Going back and looking at what happened with the number of derailments, particularly in British Columbia--although there were some in Alberta as well--with the change of ownership from BC Rail to CN, there were an inordinate number of derailments, in particular, and accidents in 2005 and in 2006.
One of the notable ones was where a chemical derailment occurred in the Cheakamus River in B.C. and resulted in a substantial negative environmental impact--a huge fish kill, for example, that has affected the run on that river drastically, devastatingly. Subsequently, a locomotive accident resulted in the death of two rail workers in 2006, when the locomotive left the tracks and two rail workers died.
The purpose of this motion is to suggest that we need to have an inquiry that spells this out. We heard they're down. We heard they rose, particularly in 2005. I think if we have a proper inquiry, we would have a baseline in the future to judge the actions of the railways as we go forward. I think we need to have this inquiry that would go back and spell out exactly the increase. Then if there has been a decrease, as they state, we can be aware of that and of what steps are being taken. We have a responsibility for the passengers, we have a responsibility for the public, we have a responsibility for the railway workers, and we have a responsibility for the environment. I think in line with our priority of rail safety, this would be appropriate.
I'm recognizing, in terms of timing, that at a committee meeting I wasn't able to attend, there was a suggestion, when another request for information came up--not on rail safety, but on another matter--that there was the desire for this committee to move ahead with Bill C-11 and to finish Bill C-11 before we moved on to other issues. I'm not suggesting that this jump in priority. Safety, of course, is the top priority, but I'm suggesting that if we start to put the wheels in motion or get this on track--no pun intended--that we at least will have the ball rolling and we can then move into this in a timely manner.
I was provided with some information that you're going to table, Mr. Jean. Perhaps I could make reference to it, Mr. Jean. Can I indirectly...?