When you look at the municipal bylaws related to noise, if the municipalities actually applied their bylaws to any transportation infrastructure, you'd shut down every single road at 11 o'clock at night. I mean, that's one of the things, that infrastructure-related stuff is not like the fixed noise component of generators, the banging of dump trucks, and things like that. The railways, I know, have a number of issues associated with this. The noise essentially would result in rail yard operations being shut down and things like that. So there are some major issues there.
Typically, in most cases these rail yards were there long before the residential development came into play. The municipalities actually allowed the residential development to be built, and now all of a sudden they're blaming the railways for the noise.
As a commuter operator, our big issue with noise really is the need to blow the whistle when you go through level crossings. That's what most people complain about. At 5:30 in the morning there are four big blasts of the horn, and it wakes everyone up. That's done purely for safety reasons. If we had road-rail grade separations all over the place, those issues would go away. Again, that relates to infrastructure that needs to be put in place.
So probably our number one issue, from a commuter operation perspective, is the whistle-blowing.