Okay. Finally--I only have five minutes--the other question I'd like to have answered deals with light rail and VIA.
VIA in particular rents track, or usage of track, from CN and CP, and they pay on the basis of units of cars plus. There are harsh penalties with that--at least VIA considers them quite harsh--if their trains are not on time. We have sidings where they have to move for freights to go by and vice versa.
You probably follow the issue, but that's what might happen with VIA, because if VIA is not on time, they're penalized so much per car per unit. On the other hand, when the freights are not running on time, passengers on VIA could be sitting somewhere for an hour and a half waiting for a freight to come. Is it a fair system? We heard light rail complain about 25ยข a passenger they're paying to use track in Montreal.
Should we have something in this bill giving some precedence and some motivation to stimulate passenger travel, whether it be by VIA or by light rail? There is a section in the act dealing with costing and a resolution system, but is it sufficient to promote and to have more people using rail as a means rather than cars or other modes of transportation?
I see David is giving you a few notes on that.