This brings me to my question for Mr. Gow on the topic of noise. As you know, a number of complaints were filed because there was no mediation process. Consider, for example, the cases involving the Joffre yard in Lévis and another in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve area of Montreal. Many problems concerning noise remain unresolved. In other words, despite mediation efforts, despite the fact that the parties agreed to meet, the problem was not resolved. We have reached a point where effective solutions must be found. It is all well and good to say that technical solutions exist, but those solutions must be applied. Based on your remarks, I am under the impression that you do not support any measures that are too drastic. Yet, if the citizens are pressuring their MPs, it is precisely because the companies are not dealing with the noise problem. We have reached the stage where we must take action to ensure that these problems no longer disturb the tranquility of communities bordering on railroad yards. You believe that we must continue trying to—