Very well. We will be keeping an eye on that, Minister.
Page 39 of the estimates indicates that $930 million has been invested toward marine security, including $115 million that was included in the 2004-05 fiscal year. You make that lofty statement that “Transport Canada will enhance transportation security through background checks and improve container security.”
You saw what happened. A Montreal port employee had the bright idea of inviting journalists so that they could see that containers were no longer being inspected and that there was no policy for that. The poor man lost his job.
Minister, this makes no sense, especially since Transport Canada has decided, among other things, to improve container security. Containers are no longer being inspected as they used to be.
Why? Is it because budgets have been cut? Are you going to ask the Port of Montreal to change its decision and to reinstate the employee so as to reassure the public that security at the Port of Montreal is being taken seriously, and especially container security?