So far, yes, because we've deployed. The equipment is good for a seven-year period. I would ask my COO to give you more details. But it also depends on the threats that we're facing. Liquids were there before, but not as much as they have been since August 10, for instance.
So we need to adapt. I think that's one of the main messages that I need to convey to you. The CATSA that you see in 2006 is totally different from the CATSA that was there in 2002. Why is it that we made some mistakes? And I would admit that we made mistakes. We had to learn how to run before we even knew how to walk. We had to respond quickly. And looking back, I am proud of the work that has been done by the small group of people we have. I'm not bragging when I say that; I sincerely believe what I'm saying.