I can give you a bit of background. These words are in the current policy statement. The reason they were removed is that it's unusual to find in a policy statement something that will establish or refer to a specific norm or standard. A policy statement is usually meant as establishing objectives. The rest of the act, including the amendment that will be proposed to this bill, is designed to achieve the objectives that are set out in the policy statement.
When you refer to the highest safety standards, it's not clear what standards you're referring to. You don't know what those higher standards are. Those standards will be established through legislation and a clear provision that will determine specifically what those standards are--the Railway Safety Act, for example, and the Aeronautics Act, which established it in terms of the airline industry. That's why it was removed from the current policy statement. It was to remove the reference to any specific norm, because it was inappropriate to find that in a policy statement.
With respect to the word “adequate”, and I know that we have moved on, the word was removed for the same reason. Not only were the drafters unable to find where this term fit in respect of any of the other terms that were used and therefore found it very repetitive, but also it created some ambiguity, and that's why it was removed.
So that's the bit of background I can provide to you.