I think the challenge isn't necessarily in getting all the data out. I think we've all come to realize how much data exists about everything. I think Peter's comments about the organization of the data, which is the important part, which means the report.... I think I understand that the government was trying to change the reporting from one to three years for purposes of capturing better-quality information and so on. I think what we are trying to suggest is that this should be two reports, one of which would be an annual report that would capture the information that an annual report would capture. As you say, it's not a lot a change, but it's there. It keeps the department and the minister on their toes. Reports are designed to explain the data, not just provide the data, but to speak to it and organize it and present it.
And for purposes of capturing the government's proposal to move it to three years, we're proposing to move it to five in the next amendment. I think to go from what we're doing to what we think might be done, there's an honest effort to try to propose a one-in-five solution rather than a one-in-three, so that we get the best of both worlds.