What we want to ensure is that paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of section 5 proposed in clause 2 of the bill get equal attention. If you push it further by using the words “are directed to achieve” rather than “are used to achieve” in paragraph (b), that means you are assigning greater importance to paragraph (b) than to paragraph (a). Obviously, that is less agreeable to us. I am quite agreeable to changing a negative into a positive: it forces us to study what is being recommended in paragraph (b) as much as in (a). That is what Ms. Borges was suggesting to us. We find that acceptable. It’s semantics, but the words used in French are as follows: “sont utilisés pour l’obtention”, and we are fine with that. It means that in the future, we will use: “regulation [...] to achieve economic, safety, security [...] outcomes.” We will agree to that, but we should not go any further, or we risk changing what was tabled by the government.