I would note that in our compromised wording we have indicated that systemic trends will be part of what's observed.
So some of the comments you've just made, Mr. Bell, would be captured in the kind of information that we are ensuring that the agency will continue to provide as part of its annual report. In the context of the detailed information you spoke about, as I indicated, that information goes beyond the kind of detail and the kind of specificity that currently exists. Complaints are currently not assessed against on-time performance, not on particular standards of baggage issue treatment, but rather against the existing tariffs and the terms and conditions that each carrier has. That's the basis on which a complaint is assessed and the validity of the complaint is assessed by the agency. We can introduce performance indicators.
As I say, it's over and above the complaints element. In my view, it is totally inappropriate in this particular section because it does not deal with complaints. It's a separate issue. It may be a nice issue, but it's completely separate. The fact that there are performance indicators for each licensee...there are 1,600 licensees in Canada. So for those who feel that this would not be a substantial burden, both in terms of trees killed to produce the annual report or a burden on both respondents and recipients of the agency to consolidate, particularly to establish where it does not exist today.... I think those are the major concerns we would have.