I'm going to suggest that it is the wrong place to put it--in this bill--because of the substantial requirements it would create administratively.
I would disagree strongly with the view that this is a very straightforward kind of thing. It is something that is not collected today. It is not information that is collected. It is not information that the carriers readily have.
Any time you put into place a brand new policy initiative--which is exactly what this would be--to ensure that this data is put into one place means that someone will have to set up a data system to store it, someone will have to set up parameters to ensure that apples and apples are being compared.
I think concerns have been raised that when you start looking at things like on-time arrivals, as they do in the U.S.... There is a very active debate in the U.S. about safety concerns when on-time data is posted, because it becomes a little bit of a race to make sure that consumers are happy in terms of on-time performance. There is a concern that perhaps that is starting to get to the edge, as costs are becoming a more and more significant factor in terms of safety considerations.
But I think the main argument is that this is separate, new, over and above anything the organization does right now, and it is not envisaged as a part of this bill.