Okay. Then I don't know the appropriate way to deal with it, but for consistency with Mr. Jean's amendment, which is on proposed section 95.1--and I won't reread it, but the part about “must cause as little noise and/or vibration”--in proposed paragraph 95.2(b) it should say “the collaborative resolution of noise and/or vibration complaints”.
In proposed subsection 95.3(1), the last three sentences should say, “any changes in its railway construction or operation that the Agency considers reasonable to”--and at this point it should say--“cause as little noise and/or vibration as possible, taking into account the factors referred to in that section”. That flows through all three.
I don't know if that needs to be a subsequent amendment or an amendment to the amendment, however you wish to deal with that, but it is the continuity through the three portions.
Otherwise what you've done is you've gone back to unreasonable noise and not talked about vibration in proposed sections 95.2 and/or 95.3.