Once again, I shall answer in English.
The questions you asked are very interesting questions and very technical questions, as far as the certification of aircraft is concerned. Within the transport sector, the responsibility for certifying an aircraft and the rules under which these aircraft are inspected and certified are the responsibility of Transport Canada, so I can't voice an opinion on those. All I can say is that regulations are in place that guide the modifications to aircraft. The construction of aircraft and the regulations guiding how that is done and how the modifications are approved are totally the responsibility of Transport Canada.
I can say again that we have conducted occurrences investigations and have had findings regarding certain installations or certain modifications, but we have not had any that deal with systemic aspects of how the modifications are done, how Transport Canada approves the modifications. That's the first part of the question.
The second part of the question deals with the technicians at the working level and their capabilities. For each one of the mechanics, the people who work on the aircraft, how they are qualified again is a matter for Transport Canada. They're the ones who establish those rules of conduct. Again, although we have had investigations that have found the maintenance actions being conducted on aircraft have not been done properly, we have not found a problem with the certification process of the individuals in those particular investigations. Occasionally we'll find a training issue has been associated with them. But again, we have not had any where we have made any recommendations.